
Hi, I'mJohn Cruz, AICP

Urban Planner and Professor in Greater Boston

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Portfolio Category: Urban Planning

Gravois Jefferson Plan

Gravois-Jefferson Historic Neighborhoods Plan

[kc_row use_container="yes" _id="958920"][kc_column width="12/12" video_mute="no" _id="589548"][kc_title text="__empty__" _id="877083" type="h1" post_title="yes"][kc_column_text _id="160816"] The Gravois-Jefferson Historic Neighborhoods plan is a comprehensive community plan for the St. Louis City neighborhoods of Benton Park West, Gravois Park, and northeast

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OurFerguson 2040

“Our Ferguson 2040” Comprehensive Plan

“Our Ferguson 2040” Comprehensive Plan The Ferguson 2040 plan is a comprehensive municipal plan developed for the city of Ferguson, Missouri. The goals of the project were to craft a 20-year vision for the city,

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Winstanley Community Plan

Winstanley Community Plan

Winstanley Community Plan The Winstanley Neighborhood plan is a comprehensive community plan for a neighborhood in East St. Louis, IL.  This community-driven neighborhood planning process was launched in the fall of 2018, in collaboration with

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